Westdale Junior School news

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Wednesday 29 July 1998


News from our school newsletter 1997/1998


At school the security of the pupils is very important. In the past, children's safety has been put at risk at other schools when unauthorised people have gained access and children and teachers have been injured or even killed. At Westdale it was decided that this was too much of a risk so an entry alarm system was fitted. This means that no-one can get into the school without permission.

All the teachers have a special code number to enter in to the main security system to get in. Visitors and pupils have to identify themselves through the intercom before they are able to get in. Then they report to the office and are given a visitor's badge to wear while they are in school.

The outside toilets have had bolts fixed so no-one can gain access from outside. Four girls and four boys have volunteered to check that it is bolted after break.

The dining room doors are soon to be fitted with special bolts and there are some new shutters being fitted.

The total cost of the whole security system was £1000.

Christmas parties

On Wednesday 17th December Years 3 and 4 had their Christmas party. They enjoyed dancing and normal party games like Pass the Parcel and Bus Stops.

Years 5 and 6 had a similar party on Thursday 18th December. They played similar games.

Afterwards there was lots of party food and everyone filled themselves up. There was even some left to eat up the next day! The music was also very good and everybody had a great time.


Years 5 and 6 gave a Carol Concert in St. James' Church on 16th December. The church was very full, especially in the evening when there was standing room only - even after extra chairs had been fetched and some of the choir were sitting on the floor!

The Assembly Choir sang some of the carols from the concert when they gave a lunch-time performance in Westdale Community Centre for the Lunch Club. The Lunch Club is for senior citizens and is held there every week.

The final activity of a busy last week of term for the choir was when they went carol singing. The Year 5 and 6 choir members went to St. Andrew's House to sing to the old people there. We sang a mixture of choir items and traditional carols which the old people joined in with.

Earlier in the term the Assembly Choir had a concert in Nottingham. On 1st November (during the half term holiday!) some of the assembly choir went to St. Andrew's with Castle Gate United Reformed Church to sing a selection of songs including La Isla Bonita, Sloop John B, Ellen Vannin and, our favourite, Love Shine A Light. It was very hot, but the refreshments were good and the concert raised £250 for the Compassionate Friends charity which helps people whose children have died.

We look forward to the Year three and four production coming up before Easter.

Westdale School Football Team

It has been a good start to the season for the Westdale football team. Their best win was against Carlton Central with Jordan sneaking the winning goal.

Arno Vale defeated Westdale in bad weather conditions and despite Westdale's excellent playing, the score ending up 4-1 to Vale.

Earlier on in the season Westdale played a variety of teams in a six-a-side tournament against Stanhope, Carlton Central, Porchester and Arno Vale.

We won three out of the four games. David, our goal keeper, only let in 5 goals in the whole tournament.


Bikability is about learning how to ride your bike safely.

All Year 6 had a chance to do Bikability on Tuesdays or Thursdays after school in the playground. The course was followed by a test. First everyone has to learn how to check their bike - checking the chain is tight, making sure the tyres have plenty of air, etc. Then they learned how to ride well on the roads.

Forty-six children took the test in 1997 and all of them did well.

Charities and Westdale

Children in Need

Every year Westdale take part in Children in Need by bringing 1ps and 2ps to cover Pudsey Bear pictures. Last year we raised £152. Mr. Stephenson, the head teacher, was very pleased with the amount that was raised.

Red Nose Day 97

On Friday March 14th we had a non-uniform day for Comic Relief, better known as Red Nose Day. All the school took part in the day by paying some small change to have the non-uniform day. The theme this year was Small Change [Big Difference].

Some tasty red muffins (which year six sold at first break) were up for grabs. Our school cook spent an amazing 4 hours making them!

Year 6 made the most of the fun side of Comic Relief by writing alliterative poems beginning with the letters in Comic Relief or Red Nose Day.

The school has taken part in Comic Relief since 1989. That year we raised £75, but this year we raised £257.40.

Blue Peter Appeal

In December 1996 Mrs. Leigh planned a special Blue Peter Bring and Buy Sale.

It was in aid of leprosy and took place in the school hall on December the 6th. Some kind mums helped on the stalls, and anybody could come. £195.00 was raised and every penny went to Blue Peter, who brought transport and a hospital to help people in Africa who have leprosy.

Last December Mrs. Leigh organised another Blue Peter Bring and Buy Sale. This was in aid of Cystic Fibrosis. Again we raised nearly £200 to send off to Blue Peter.

Save Your Stamps

Why? Because lots of blind people need a GUIDE DOG.

You could help them by saving your stamps and putting them in the stamp box in the entrance hall. The stamps will be collected and sent to a foreign country where they will be sold and all the money that is raised will go towards buying a guide dog.

SO.....GET SAVING.....and help others with your used stamps.

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