Blog to bring you up-to-date news from our school.
Last week we had a disco in the evening. It was organised by Friends of Westdale and lots of parents came to help. So did Mrs Hayles and the teachers. There was lots of good music to dance to and the DJ gave out some glow-in-the-dark things. The disco lights were very good too.
Half way through everyone had a drink and some crisps.
Labels: report
Friday 16th November is
Children in Need Day and the theme is “Do Something Different”. Therefore we have decided that on Friday we will do something different and have a Pudsey bear technology day. All of the children will be involved in a range of activities involving designing and making different items for Pudsey to use. To help in our activities we would like the children to bring in their own small teddy bear with or without an eye patch - to join in the fun. We will be making a collection for the Children in Need Appeal in school on Friday if you would like to send a small donation with your child and their bear.
Labels: notice
Week beginning 19th November is the national anti - bullying week. At present there is national concern about bullying and how to prevent it. You may have heard the children talk about S.E.A.L (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) as we are using this programme of work to develop the children’s social, emotional and behavioural skills. It is important to raise awareness of this issue with all our children, but I would like to emphasise that this is not because we have any more bullying than any other school. However, when it does occur we want our children to feel confident to speak to an adult and deal with it. As part of this work we are developing an anti— bullying notice board in school. We have already received messages of support from Arsene Wenger, the Arsenal manager, Vernon Coaker M.P and Jo and Twiggy at Trent FM.
Staff and Governors have also been invited to contribute a short anti bullying message for our display.
If you would also like to contribute a message then we would really appreciate your support.
Labels: notice