Westdale Junior School news

Blog to bring you up-to-date news from our school.

Thursday 23 July 2009


Have a good holiday

School has now closed for the summer holidays.
We hope everyone has a good break and keeps safe.

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Saturday 18 July 2009


IMPORTANT: swine flu

Unfortunately, if perhaps almost inevitably, we learned today that our school has now joined the long list of those in Nottinghamshire and around the country which has a pupil with a confirmed case of swine flu.

A copy of the letter sent to all parents and carers today may be read by following this link: swine flu letter 17/7/2009

Further advice is given by the government and the Health Protection Agency.

We wish to do all we can to minimise the risk to everyone in our community and the current advice we have been asked to give parents/carers is that, if your child develops cold or flu like symptoms in the coming days please:

1. Keep your child off school.
2. Telephone your GP – explain the symptoms and state that your child attends Westdale Junior School where there is a confirmed case of swine flu.
3. Telephone the school and tell us that your child has these symptoms.

If urgent news affecting our school becomes available during the summer holiday weeks, we will continue to keep our website updated.

Thank you for you assistance and support with this matter.

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Saturday 11 July 2009


Shine 2009

During the past week, children in all classes have had the chance to "shine" and show their friends and teachers just how talented they are. Each year group and class has had a little talent show - anyone could take part - children sang songs, played instruments, told jokes, danced, did magic tricks, etc. for their friends and the children chose their favourites to perform again in front of the whole school on Friday morning. This produced a very entertaining show which was enjoyed by all. The photograph above shows all those who performed in the final show.

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Sports Day 2009

We were lucky with the weather for our Sports' Day on Thursday - there was plenty of cloud, but there was no rain! There were twenty teams (mixed Year 3, 4, 5 and 6) and twenty different activities for all the children to do. Lots of parents came to watch and everyone went home with a smile on their faces - and some with a medal around their necks too.

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