Westdale Junior School news

Blog to bring you up-to-date news from our school.

Tuesday 29 November 2011


More Roman Day activities

In the morning we did some Roman marching and we have also tried some Roman maths. What is the answer to this question?

     XII + IV =

(Find the answer at the bottom of the post.)


(12 + 4 = 16)

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Roman Day Activities

There are lots of different activities going on today.

We have been making some sweet Roman cakes and creating mosaics.

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Romans have arrived!

There was some surprise and concern at Westdale Junior School early this morning when someone thought that an new Roman invasion was taking place. But then we realised that it was "Roman Day" for our Year 3!

Everyone in Year 3 is dressed in fantastic Roman costume - lots of children and parents must have given it all a great deal of thought. Thank you.

Here are the Roman hoards in assembly:

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Thursday 24 November 2011


School Closure on 30th November

In the Newsletter to Parents published today, Mrs. Hayles has written the following to inform parents that Westdale Junior School will be closed on Wednesday 30th November 2011:

"As you will no doubt be aware, a number of public service unions have balloted their members for a day of industrial action Wednesday 30th November.

I have been informed today by members of one union that they will be taking industrial action. Due to the numbers of staff who are members of this union I have no alternative but to close the school for pupils on
Wednesday 30th November.

The decision to close the school or send pupils home is never taken lightly, but in this instance, where staff have elected to take lawful industrial action, I have no choice but to take appropriate steps to ensure the health, safety and well being of all pupils.

Children should return to school as normal on Thursday 1st December."

The full newsletter is available to view from the Letters and Newsletters page of the Parents section of our website.

Friday 18 November 2011


OFSTED visit

OFSTED inspectors will be visiting our school next Tuesday and Wednesday (22nd and 23rd November).

Your son/daughter should have brought home an OFSTED questionnaire for parents today and we have posted a covering letter about this on our "Letters and Newsletters" page. Click here for this link.

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Children in Need 2011

We had a special day at school today when we had a non-uniform day to mark Children in Need day.

Teddies were welcome and even joined us in assembly.

Each class had a special "Pudsey" activity ranging from cooking "Pudsey" biscuits to making a device to weigh Pudsey bear....

  ... or making something (like these marble runs) to entertain him.

The money you donated has been counted and your donations helped us raise £260!

Thank you for supporting Children in Need.

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Tuesday 8 November 2011


Year 6 residential visit to Caythorpe November 2011

Most of the Year 6 children are setting off tomorrow on their residential visit to the PGL activity centre at Caythorpe. We hope they have a very enjoyable time together.

You may follow their activities on the Westdale at Caythorpe blog here: http://westdaleatcaythorpe.blogspot.com/

This will be updated as regularly as possible during their visit.

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