Westdale Junior School news

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Wednesday 6 October 2010


Harvest Festival 2010

A large audience of parents, carers and relatives were able to attend our school harvest festival today, 6th October 2010.

Everyone in the school took part in a lovely service. Year 3 read a poem and sang a harvest song, Year 4 presented a harvest play with mice as the main characters, Year 5 talked and sang about the harvest of coal and oil and the need to protect our environment and Year 6 read peoms that they had written themselves. In between all the items there were harvest songs.

Thanks to everyone who sent in food-stuffs for our harvest display. The food will be put in bags and given to those individuals that parents/carers have nominated and any remaining food will be taken to Emmanuel House - the Nottingham charity which cares for the homeless in our city.

"This week we had our harvest festival, we sang some songs like Autumn days, Fill your hearts with joy and gladness, God of the harvest and Jubilate.

We also explained what Harvest is about and what is important about the festival. If you managed to come we very much appreciated it, but if you didn’t manage to come… well you missed a lot of extremely exciting things all preformed by your children.

We practiced very hard and put 100% effort into our performances on the day.
Also, we want to thank you for sending in all the fruits, vegetables and other foods that you donated. We will share the food out to people who need it most."


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