Westdale Junior School news

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Friday, 17 December 2010


Xmas Factor

On Wednesday and Thursday evenings Years 5 and 6 presented their Christmas production - Who's got the Xmas Factor?

The idea of the story is that God asked angels to put his plan for the first Christmas into action and, in the different scenes, angels go and help chose the characters for the Christmas story (i.e. Mary, Joseph, wisemen, etc.).

Everyone in Year 6 had a part and their acting and speaking was very good. Some also sang solo parts or in small groups. Everyone in Year 5 hard choral speaking parts which introduced the different scenes and, of course, everyone joined in to sing the songs.

The play went very well indeed on both evenings. The audience was very complimentary and several people thought this was the best Christmas production ever.

Thank you to all the adults who gave special help with the backdrop and costumes.

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